Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Short term goals

Things I'm working on in the present and/or near future:

  1. I need to become better organized and more conscientious.
  2. I'm applying for jobs. I need to finish my Hired profile... so I need to get a haircut, and get  a decent profile picture. I should ask my mom where she recommends, because she said she knows a good barbershop near where I live now.
  3. I have three people I need to email related to getting feedback from others on To Change the World. One of them has expressed a willingness to give me feedback on that book in particular. Two of them spoke more generally about wanting to read my books when I was working on a previous project.
  4. I have a pile of books I need to review. I'm going to try to get through three this week: Blind Watchmaker, Zero to One, and Pratchett's Making Money.
  5. I want to resume reading Principals of Neural Science at a rate of one chapter per day, and reviewing each Part individually. I was making pretty good progress on it through October, and haven't really gotten much read since then. I'd expected at one point to have it finished in 2014, but somehow got distracted.
  6. I want to step up my participation on LessWrong. Write at least one comment per day, and at least one discussion post per week seems like a reasonable goal.
  7. My writing has for the most part been growing too long. I need to start writing more short posts. Target writing one 500 word or shorter post a day for the next month. Might be lists.
  8. I'm in progress on reading a few books that I need to finish reading.
  9. I have two long essays that I need to finish writing this week.
That's enough for now.

Tomorrow's short essay: Create a preliminary list of ideas for alternative reality (not alternate reality), with possible synopsis of what I mean be alternative reality.

Thursday's short essay:
Create a list of topics that I need to cover in future short essays. (Utilitarianism, the null hypothesis, and some autism-spectrum introspection (I don't think I'm on it, but!) are on my mind today)

In the next fortnight:
Start writing/drafting/outlining some fiction publicly online.

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