Saturday, May 2, 2015

Planning for Less Wrong posts

I've got quite a few posts that I plan to eventually post on Less Wrong, I might as well make a list of them too, so that I have at least a superficial overview of pretty much everything I'm trying to write in the reasonably near future up somewhere, so that I don't have to keep any of it in memory.

I've been thinking quite a bit about a few optical illusions and how the human mind processes them. I have a theory that suggests that we see more than one often contradictory things when we look at something. For instance, I think we can see the same color in two different places in an image and see exactly the same thing in both places, perceive both colors accurately, but still see one color as being significantly darker than the other. When square A looks darker than square B, I don't think that that means that square A looks like it is a color that is a darker color than the color of square B. I think both colors look like the color that they are, but square A looks darker anyways. I can formalize my meaning by describing an experiment to test it.

I think somebody needs to write a sequence on semantics, morality, and all that, focusing not on what people should mean when they talk about ethics but instead what they do mean. Almost all of the discussions I see of ethics focus on what people should mean when they talk about ethics (object-level discussion of meta-level ethical intuitions), and I think people ought to talk more about what people empirically are trying to say when they describe their moral sense. (Meta-level discussion of object-level ethics). Consequentialism is rather inconsistent with most moral feelings. (Among other things, moral feelings are distinctively about "human actions" and emphasize intent. People have less of a moral reaction to a hurricane that kills 10,000 people than a terrorist who kills 10.)

Someone also needs to take on Occam's razor. I've started to take a stab at it on Informed Dissent, but I need to work through my thoughts more thoroughly before I post them.

I'd also like to post my book on LessWrong, after I've published it on Amazon, begin to get some feedback, and also begin to describe in more detail some of my motivation behind writing that book.

I'm also hoping to contribute quite a bit towards the whole idea of both the craft and the community as well as the idea of winning, and help organize a community of people who are actively trying to help each other succeed. That might be a while in coming, but it has a lot of tie-ins with my book.

Then I'd also like to get people involved in talking more about investing, and possibly business designs, and related ideas.

So much to do. But I have many years before I need to be done with everything I've been hoping to work on.

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